Friday, 2 November 2012

Failed before even leaving the starting blocks!!

So I challenged myself to a November Challwnge which was to do a daily post about ADHD and special needs and we are now on the 2nd of November and I have failed to write a single post this week, let alone 2 on ADHD.

It's all up there in my head but I want them to be useful and meaningful and not just a garbled, waffled, random mix of info/experiences.

This week turned into a nightmare, literally. Work has been very quiet, nice in some respects as it has meant I have been able to get on top of a couple of things but on the other hand I've been feeling very twitched that in the last 18 months I haven't had to worry about the next months work but I've been left wondering what mid November onwards holds for me :(

Anyhow I do have a meeting next week - the last if my definite work, and my 2 German doctors contacted me last Friday morning saying they needed their contract with the company they are speaking for for their healthcare bodies to approve and give them permission to actually attend the meeting. On investigating it seems the person who should have sorted this hadn't, & has now left the company and I have not stopped trying to get it sorted with constant phone calls to Swizterland, Germany, Italy (as our Italian doctor needed his as well), brazil and the US so my evenings have Been wiped out as well. I eventually got it sorted - today, meeting starts Tuesday and luckily, thanks to 2 very efficient German secretaries, they have managed to get the respective administration departments to approve the contracts without the required 2 weeks notice!

Needless to say any thought of spending longer at my computer was hideous, plus my poor boys have been on half term and barely seen me so any spare time was spent doing things with them. 

I will have to try and play catch up, on the plus side at least my invoice for October which was looking slightly scary, looks a little healthier and the last 2 days will have improved Novembers out look 

Please excuse this post as well, I'm say outside the Indian waiting for our takeaway so on my phone x 

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