Wednesday, 27 July 2011

awwhhh mum, do we have too? And it hurt me - just a little.

An expression I think we are all going to hearing more than once this holidays, except this one wasn't uttered by one of my 2, it was uttered by a friend's little boy when I suggested him and his brother should come round again for tea one day (they are my best friend's twins and now we live in the same town it is something I would like to encourage).

My eldest has ADHD and aspergers. Over the last few years we have had few friends, no friends to really invite round and no friends to be invited to, so whenever the opportunity does arise which is rare both of mine get so over excited at the presence of other kids in the house they literally go mad. My eldest just doesn't know how to control himself, my youngest just copies and shows off.

When I invited Master's H and W round last night, Master'H's response of 'awwwhh mum, do we have to, I don't want to go round to their house with 2 really hyper active boys, they are a nightmare'. He is only speaking the truth. I tried to explain to Master H and Master W, Little Man is like a puppy (their neighbour recently got a puppy hence the use of it), and the more the boys see of people and the more they get use to having people round, the less excited they would be. I think they understood but don't think it made much difference.

What do you do? I don't want to force two 7 year olds into coming to our house just for our/my benefit, but we are in a big vicious circle, I don't know how to tone my 2 down, they need people round, they need to learn not to get so excited, but then no-one wants to come.

I had to admit I was left feeling a little down and deflated, I did want the twins round, I do want my boys to be able to have friends round, and yes it hurt a little when you hear kids jump at the chance of going round to other people's houses but when yours is mentioned they don't want to. My boys are nice honest, please give them a chance, even if you are only little yourself.