Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Dalmatian Cake

Last week I made a cake for Mini Man's nursery. They have been raising money for the Guide Dog charity and had a visit from a Guide Dog. I am by no means an expert cake maker and just make them for pleasure but when the opportunity arises I love jumping to the challenge. I was going to attempt a golden retriever but it seemed a Dalmatian was the cake of choice so here are my efforts!

I must admit I was a little stumped how to make the head and the body, and took a while to work out what shaped cakes to bake and in hind sight I think his bum could of done with being slightly higher and more rounded. In the end I baked 2 large 11 inch sponge cakes, put them in the fridge overnight and then cut them into the correct shapes. I then used butter icing to hold it all together, and used mini rolls for the legs. So from this.........

To this and I have to say I was pretty pleased with it.