Thursday, 30 June 2011

Reasons to be cheerful

Its that time of the week again to have a good old reflect on it and put down all the good bits. My reasons this week to be cheerful are:
  1. We have finally after god knows how many years of banging on doors been given an official diagnosis for Little Man. I do feel quite sad and to some extent angry about it all but we finally have it on paper - he has an ASD or autistic spectral disorder. The happy bit is the relief I felt when they said it, they sat there and said, yes he needs more than just strong aspergers traits which mean nothing when it comes to trying to get him extra help, we may as well be saying he has scratch his little finger and he finds writing harder so could he have help. What made me angry though was the fact those 3 little words were uttered - autistic spectral disorder and a pile of leaflets, helpline numbers, organisation details etc were placed on the table in front of us. We have been asking for this kind of information for 3 years but apparently strong aspergers traits doesn't warrent support. hey ho, we have reached the destination we wanted to and that makes me happy. Already they are talking of the next academic year and what should be put in place. One happy mummy.
  2. This is bcoming a usual reason for me but work seems to be going well.  I started talking to a lady at the bus stop while at the conference last week in Switzerland. She was from the UK and works for a lymphoma charity. We swapped contact details and it looks like they might be interested in using me to help them clear a backlog of work for about 6 months on a part time basis which would be brilliant. I am quite excited. I have always wanted to work with a charity and well, if I do the work well, they may continue to use me. Plus I have also been approached by another company about doing some freelance work for them as well in irritable bowel syndrome.
  3. I have been incredibly busy with work the last 3 weeks and barely left my laptop, literally, and I am on the last major thing now, so am seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
  4. Both my boys got glowing reports from their teachers at parents evening yesterday.
  5. Tomorrow is July and the last week of July a very, very good friend is going to be holidaying in Yorkshire (you know who you are BNM!) and I really can not wait to see her as they are going to spend the last night of their hols at our house, consuming quantities of alcohol and have a good old catch up and I can't wait!
By the way I read everyone else reasons but blogger is being a nightmare and I don;t seem to be able to comment on everyone's blogs, it just won't recognnise me, so I am not being rude and not reading, its just that I can't physically comment. Maybe one day when I am not quite so busy I will move over to wordpress.
If you want to see what is making everyone else happy this week, pop over to Mummy at the heart's blog and join in. its really good for you!

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