Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Where's the On button mum?

This is something that made me laugh!

It dawned on me at the weekend that the boys no longer have any garden toys as they have outgrown most of them and we gave them away when we moved.

Later that afternoon I popped to Sainsbury's for milk and saw a Swing ball on offer so decided to get it.

I was very excited about this as Swing Ball was always one of those toys I was desperate for as a child and we never had. The boys took a good interest, asking what you did, practicing swinging the rackets, and helping to set it up, especially enjoying filling the base up with the hose pipe!

T'husband and me decided to give the boys a good demonstration of how to play the game, and then we left them to it.

2 minutes later Mini Man comes dashing into the house shouting 'Where's the on button mum, we can't get it to work'

Child of our times!