Thursday, 16 June 2011

Reasons to be cheerful 1,2 3

Well, I have had a few unplanned weeks off due to work commitments and lack of internet connection in a rubbish hotel last week.  I even wrote my posts in word in the hope I could post later but it never happened. I often say this but this link does make me assess what is good about my week.  Today I have been feeling pretty homesick and really missing my boys, and I can't wait to go home on Saturday which is number one reason to be cheerful (instead of sitting feeling sorry for myself).  So here are my reasons this week.
  1. I am currenlty in Switzerland away from the boys, I arrived on Tuesday, leaving the house at 4.30am so didn't see the boys on Tuesday and I won't get home until about 10pm saturday night but I am more than halfway there, with only 2 days to go - yipppeee
  2. This week has bought me to one of the most beautiful places I have visited, see this post here to see what I mean. Although I am feeling pretty homesick right now, I guess I am also very, very lucky to get opportunities like these to visit different countries while being paid and being able to claim it all on expenses.
  3. Tomorrow one of my closest friends is coming to see me here in Switzerland.  It does sound a bit above and beyond the call of duty for a friend but she is currently working in Switzerland for 9 months, and is only 2 hours away on the train so she has taken the day off and is coming to meet me at lunchtime as my sessions finish at 12 and then I only have to return for an hour at 6pm. I am sneaking her into my room for the night and then we can spend time exploring on Saturday before my flight back home later that day, so I am VERY excited!
  4. I have been able to use this weeks conference and the one I attended last week to do a bit of networking for myself and might have made quite a good contact with a cancer charity who have asked for my CV and are currently looking for writers. It won't be the same rates as I normally charge but I really don't mind as I have always wanted to work with charities and their patients, so would even consider doing their patient information leaflets for free.
  5. T'husband and I have had a bit of a rocky patch for a while now although things in the last 6 months have taken a massive leap in the right direction.  2 weeks after he moved North for his job last August, I lost the solitare in my engagement ring and with me working full time and essentially being a single mum during the week and co-ordinating moving 200 miles alone, my engagement ring got stuck in a box and never addressed.  Last weekend t'husband insisted enough was enough and has organised to get a new solitare put in it which has really confirmed to me that we are definately going in the right direction.  I was devastated to lose it, but I think deep down I wanted him to be the one to sort it out, and he has done :)
  6. Last sunday Mini Man insisted he could ride his bike withut stablisers.  Now this is the child who had zero balance control until he was about 3 and a half, regularly falling flat on his face, and never putting his hands out to stop him, so we have had countless teeth through lips, bruised heads, scrapped noses, and grazed chins.  Needless to say we were pretty hesitant about taking the stablilizers off.  Before t'husband had even finished picking them up, mini man had jumped on his bike and taken off down the drive by himself without even a backwards glance - how proud am I?
  7. Ohh final one which I had forgotten, Mini Man's playgroup had a raffle to raise money for the guide dogs and I have apparently won a bottle of wine which I am really looking forwards to opening at the weekend!
Think that is enough reasons for tonight! I feel miserable do this post and could then spend all night listing 100's of reason to be cheerful, which is why you should pop over to Mummy from the Heart's blog, it really does have a feel good factor!!