Monday, 20 June 2011


I have recently been reading lots of posts by ladies taking part in something called MomenTum and it has got me thinking.  I have for over a year now been getting quite distressed about my muffin tops and my need to pull the waist band of whatever it is I am wearing up over my flabby belly to disguise it, and yet I never seem to be able to do anything about it.

I want to, I need to but I am not sure how.

I am by no means big but I have always been very active and been able to maintain a nice size 12 figure which was pretty toned (size 10 depending on which shop I went to). People who know me always dispute my claims at being a size 12 but I think that is because I have no chest so any weight I ever lose comes off there, and my top half is a definite size 10, so I think it can be misleading.

Pre-children I swam 3 times a week (50 plus lengths each session) and cycled/walked everywhere and I was a member of a gym and I loved keeping fit. In return I had a nice flat stomach, and was toned and felt good.

Since children especially number 2 and hitting 21 plus 16, I have a belly for the first time in my life which is really quite flabby, I have muffin tops, flabby thighs which now wobble, and a c section overhang from 2 sections and a hysterectomy and I want rid.

These ladies taking part in their joint weight loss/tone up have inspired me and if anyone of you out there who does take part happens to read this, then please, please let me know how to get involved.  I know I only have about half a stone to shift and my main aim is to revise my diet and get fitter but I need motivation and I would like to join in! Anyone know how to go about doing this?

Thanks in advance - I type that as I put the lid back on the Pringles - but I actually feel pretty good because I would normally be able to polish off a whole big tube of them and normally do but tonight I have managed to refrain and there is over half a pack left which for me is a miracle.  However, I would prefer for them still to be sat in the cupboard unopened and for my will power to return home after a long absence!