Monday, 27 June 2011

MumenTum week 1

Last week I decided to become involved in MuMenTum to try and encourage myself to tone up and lose the excess pounds I am gaining and to prevent me gaining anymore. So how has it gone?

Well I have decided I will weigh myself every Monday so last week i did just that> My main problem is I am beginning to put weight on and want to stop it, and I am in desperate need of finding my fitness again and toning up, so I was semi happy to see I only had 8.5lb that I wanted to lose to feel better.

My Davina DVD has arrived in the post this morning (my friedn swears by them so I thought what the hey and if someone sees me flinging myself around the front room as they drive up the road, then they shouldn't be looking!). I intend (please note the intend) to do this 3 times a week.

I have also decided that I will get into running. me and running don't mix, never have done. The town I live in is surrounded by a horseshoe of park called The Stray. it was left to the people of the town by some rich gentleman 100's of years ago so can never be built on as in theory every resident owns a certain percentage of it. My secondary school was built right on the edge of it and on those horrid miserable rainy days, the bastards use to make us run round a portion of the Stray, I never even managed to run one side of it, let alone the other 3. The other night I was driving by that bit of Stray and have set myself a challenge - One day I will run it!

On Friday my Avon lady also delivered my tummy trimmer - lets see if one I actually use it and two if it does anything for me!

Food-wise i have been really good all week, watched what I ate, made sure I had slightly smaller portions and hadnt snacked on biscuits etc. Thursday night though I ended up working through the night to meet a deadline and hit the biscuit tin about 4.30am as I was starving. Then all ay Friday I was so tired, I felt like I was having an out of body experience and reached for every type of crap you can imagine and down the gullet it went. I finished the day off with a curry and wine.

This is why I should not be surprised that I now have 10.5lb to lose but I am gutted! I feel really angry with myself about it, and am so busy with work that I don;t even really have the time to write this but want to keep up with it, so god knows when I intend to do my Davina DVD, run, tummy trim and work!

I WILL get there and I WILL lose those 10.5lb, Hopefully the rest of you ladies have had a better week and here's to hoping I can do better for next week!

By the way Dianne at Working Mum of 4 and a few others, I am not ignoring your blogs and have tried more than once to comment but I am having blogger issues. Whenever I try and post as a google account I can't so I apologise, I do read, i do want to comment but I can't.