Saturday, 7 May 2011

The First One

This is a new blog. Its not my first so I cannot claim to be a blogging virgin. My very first blog lasted a year and I was enjoying it and was quite proud to have gained 51 followers, but for me my blogging is an intensely private thing and one of the first things I have not shared with my husband. Why, I am not entirely sure but I guess its like there are only certain things you would share with your closest friend.  Sometimes I just need a good old fashioned moan about life in general and that sometimes involves the big man - otherwise known as t'husband and things can be mis-read and mis-understood.  I think he found out about my first blog, so I stopped blogging and moved it to a new one.

Was that this one - umm, no, it was another one which was very much in its infancy, and tonight I am so mad at myself as I left my laptop on and my gmail account open and my work email, and when I went to shut it down, I noticed that there were 3 emails regarding my April invoice that had been opened in my work email, and on questioning t'husband admitted he had looked at them when putting the kids to bed, as he had been interested.  I think I am a bit miffed about this, but am not sure if I am over reacting a little. We have never kept secrets and me keeping this blog from him is a new thing for us, I feel like it is a secret but I kind of feel I need that as well. On the money front, if he asks I tell him how much I have earned for the month or what the running total is, however this month has been a particularly good one and my husband is a very materialistic chap and seems to think if there is money there, then we should spend it and on gadgets and this has been a bit of a bone of contension recently. As a result I have had enough and had decided to try and keep April's money to myself in the hope we could put some of it away in our joint savings and actually save.  At the end of the day I am working for myself now and need to be wise and think not all months will be as good.

Anyhow I digress, t'husband admitted to looking at my works email which makes me think he also looked at what was open on the internet which was my gmail account so he would of possibly accessed my blog, and so for the third and last time I am moving it.  If this one goes wrong, then I think I give up!

So here it is, I am back once again now as The Rambling Pages. I was Superlittle mne, actually that should end with men but I darnt write the whole name as t'husband told me if he knew the name of a blogger then surely he could google it and find the blog and I suspect he is right.  I then moved SLM to Moonwalkingm again last word of that should be mum but as t'husband is a savvy IT geek, he might of made a note of this name as well.  Here ends my first post!


Sarah said...

I dont see the harm in having some secrets, after all, you wouldnt share the conversations you have with your friends with your husband (or him with you).

I kind of felt a little outraged on your behalf that he would check out your emails ect but then I thought, would I do the same? Possibly, it's a temptation that would be hard to resist and is based on curiosity rather than mistrust.

The trouble is, once someone KNOWS you have a secret (however harmless)the desire to find it out is overwhelming.

I hope this blog stays as your private time, I think Im going to enjoy it.

The Rambling Pages said...

I dont see the harm in having some secrets, after all, you wouldnt share the conversations you have with your friends with your husband (or him with you).

I kind of felt a little outraged on your behalf that he would check out your emails ect but then I thought, would I do the same? Possibly, it's a temptation that would be hard to resist and is based on curiosity rather than mistrust.

The trouble is, once someone KNOWS you have a secret (however harmless)the desire to find it out is overwhelming.

I hope this blog stays as your private time, I think Im going to enjoy it.